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Yixuan Li, M.S.


Yixuan Li, graduated from Xiangya School of Pharmaceutical Science, Central South University at 2017 and then gain the master degree in China Pharmaceutical University in 2020. During the graduated education, she worked in the Centre for New Drug Safety Evaluation and Research, concentrating on investigating the mechanism of neuromodulated immune activities in tumour development and developed an oncolytic virus carried immune-regulating molecules. In the autumn of 2020, she was enrolled in Peking University and working in Li Lab, CIBR as a Ph.D. candidate.

By utilizing the molecular biological techniques (e.g., single-cell RNA sequencing, CRISPR/Cas9) , she is trying to uncover the connections between the immune system and the emotional neural activity

A bookworm, An owl, A universe observer through the microscope.

An automatic singer when no calculation is required during experiments.

A young female researcher dreaming to find something more, something interesting about female’s emotion, to create something new, something beautiful in a female’s way.